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Help For Those Who Help Others


Need Money for College?


   The Purr Project, Inc. offers academic scholarships through The Purr Project Foundation, Inc.

The Purr Project has dedicated this scholarship to Suzan D’Antonio, the Purr Project’s first friend and matron saint. The scholarship is not named on a bucket list but for “How Full Is Your Bucket”, a book by Tom Rath and Donald Clifton, Ph.D. The book describes how a person - best friend, coworker, or stranger - can (through their own positive words and deeds), fill your “bucket” making you feel more positive.  It is this principle that guided the life of Suzan D’Antonio as a veterinary technician and an animal rights advocate - she filled buckets. The scholarship then, will go to those applicants that “fill the buckets” of others by being an advocate for those who have no voice.




Based on the premise stated above, this scholarship is about service - your service to animals and our service to you. The Purr Project has dedicated this scholarship in Suzan’s name in order to support you and fill your bucket. Academics do indeed matter, but it is just a component of the overall formula of how we arrive at our decision. This scholarship is for those who not only have ideas but for those who are about action in serving animals. Simply put, we want doers. Each and every application will be reviewed with the understanding that each applicant is an individual and that there are going to be different ideas, different experiences, and different manners of service. This service may take many forms: helping maintain feral colonies, writing a newsletter, volunteering at a local shelter, helping with anti-cruelty programs, etc. Since the scholarship is awarded yearly, applicants are encouraged to reapply if they are not successful in a prior year.


One important thing to remember is that this scholarship is for students who are or will be enrolled in vet-tech, pre vet, or veterinary medicine programs. We understand however, that academic programs can vary widely. Therefore, if your institution does not have one of these programs but your intent is to serve animals in one of these capacities, then you should apply anyway. Neither Suzan nor The Purr Project, condones animal testing research (i.e. pharmaceuticals), and will not grant scholarships in these areas.


The scholarship is paid in two (2) installments of $500 (one per semester), totaling $1000 per school year. Unlike the usual academic scholarship, our support is for the items that students need but that the other scholarships may not cover. These items include books for classes, meal plan (or to add points) or supplies (i.e. notebooks, etc.). You may even use the funds for a combination of these items (i.e. $300 for books/ $200 for meal plan).




  1. Completed Application

  2. Must be a resident and live in the State of Connecticut when school is in recess.

  3. Documented community service for animals

  4. Currently enrolled in a vet-tech, pre-vet, graduate veterinary program, or a comparable program for current college students. High school seniors must have committed to such a program

  5. Single typewritten page describing your service in “filling buckets” to animals in the past your career/life mission and goals as they relate to the care of animals in the future.

  6. Letter of recommendation

  7. Possible phone interview

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